Thanksgiving Gratitude

Thanksgiving Gratitude

The holiday season. It has finally arrived, cresting the horizon with all the subtlety of a toddler performing brain surgery with a jackhammer. Turkey-themed stuff at every drugstore in town battles to hold the perimeter against Christmas candy inching its way in from...
Self-Discovery: The Heart of Halloween

Self-Discovery: The Heart of Halloween

Earlier today I was listening to an interview with an actress I admire, and she said, “Sometimes I think costumes are amazing… you put them on, and suddenly you understand who you are.” I love this quote to honor Halloween, it really sums up so much of what I adore...
Practicing Self Care

Practicing Self Care

Over the years, I’ve settled on a personal mantra that helps me to make sense of the world, to make sense of how I feel about and interact with it. That mantra is this: “Everything good in life begins with self care and service to others.” It’s a deceptively simple...